Friday, February 19, 2010

HELP - I am allergic to bandage adhesive?

I have been allergic to latex for at least the last 10 years. This has made buying latex free bandages almost impossible until the last few years. Just recently (the last few weeks) I have developed an allergy to teh bandages I have been using that are latex free. The brand is Nexcare. Does anyone know of another brand of latex free bandages? I am at the point of not being able to use bandages. This is a problem since I don't heal well to begin with and usually require bandages for prolonged periods of time. Any help would be appreciated. I used to use paper towels and paper tape. I don't want to return to that. Thank you.HELP - I am allergic to bandage adhesive?
im in the same boat... i cannot wear any type of bandaid... im not even allergic to latex... if i have a cut that needs to be covered, i will wrap guaze around it.. then tape the guaze..i know it makes a small cut look big, but at least my skin wont be torn off by the bandaid.. you can also try to get some of that stuff they use in drs offices and hospitals, i forget the name, but you just wrap it around and it sticks to itself...HELP - I am allergic to bandage adhesive?
I've used some 'liquid bandage' stuff on some wounds - its a clear liquid that dries over the wound to seal it up:

Sometimes I've also used rolled gauze bandage to tie pads over wounds. Lastly, I've used a Nexcare Transparent Bandage, as found here:

But I found it kind of uncomfortable because it trapped in a lot of heat. Good luck, hope you find something that works.
check out band aids new skin it is not an adhesive but a liquid you put right on the wound, and then it seals it when it dries. check ingredients first but it is worth a try.
Please tell me that you are under the care of a good dermatologist! this is more than allergy. talk to him/her now!
you know, i am allergic to latex, and i know people who are allergic to the adhesive. all you can do it try the liquid bandage stuff (after you wash it well) and even though this may sound awful.... some people i know use super glue... but be careful it is horribly sticky!
Try using gauze and tape, or try liquid bandage.
use liquid bandage

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